
Computer Networking Basics Every User Should Know

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Computer Networking Basics Every User Should Know 

Computer Networking (The Basic Concepts)

Welcome to the wonders of computer bad networking! For those who are not that clearly in the know when it comes to computer networks or are refreshing their memories, it is important especially in today’s world that is full of technical innovations.

The basic principles, different categories, and components of computer networks will be described herein, thus providing the reader with the tools for proper handling and troubleshooting of networks.

What are computer networks?

Computer networking is a way of connecting many devices, referred to as the hosts, which are connected via multiple links for the aim of transmitting/receiving data or media. Home networks can be set up for internet connection, office networks can be set up for company and worker access and global networks can be created for international use. They enable computers to coordinate their usage and furthermore, to interact with each other.

Types of Computer Networks

Local Area Network (LAN)

A LAN implies a system of network that has a confined geographical area of operation for example within a building or a college compound. This networking is best suited for computers that are in close physical communication a way of acquiring common resources which may include printers or internet connection.

Wide Area Network (WAN)

WANs span large geographical areas and are used to interconnect dissimilar LANs within cities, nations, and continents, respectively. Internet is the biggest WAN, which connects pc users all over the world for communication as well as data sharing.

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

A MAN is larger than a LAN but is relatively smaller than WAN and is generally defined by the geographical coverage of a city or a large campus. This one serves as the backbone for several LANs within the same metropolitan area.

Personal Area Network (PAN)

A PAN is typically a private network for within-personal usage with other nearby apparatus such as hand-held gadgets such as smartphone, tablets, laptops, etc., usually in a room.

Key elements of a network

Network Interface Cards (NICs)

NICs are products that are installed in a computer to act as interfaces between the computer and the network. Every node requires a Network Interface Card if it is to be connected to the rest of the node in a network.


Switches are interfaces that join many devices of a LAN and apply MAC to help transfer data to the right pat in the network. 


Routers connect different networks together and direct data packets between them. They are required as a means of accessing Internet for a LAN.

Cables and Connectors

Physical cables, such as Ethernet cables, and connectors link network devices together, providing a reliable and fast data transfer medium.

Network Topologies Explained

Bus Topology

In bus topology, all units tie to a single main wire referred to as the bus. It is easy with the downside of having occasional data collisions and necessary round-trips.

Star Topology

Star topology involves some hosts that are connected to other hosts whenever possible; all of the remaining hosts are connected to a central switch. This is more reliable because even if one or more device fail it does not have an impact on the other devices.

Ring Topology

Ring topology is a connection of the devices in a ring formation; in this connection scheme, each device is connected to two other devices only. In other words, every device has two adjacent neighbors in terms of channel interaction. It dictates that data flows in a single direction hence cutting down on cases of intersection.

Mesh Topology

Mesh topology involves multiple paths between devices, ensuring high redundancy and reliability. Even if one connection fails, data can still travel through another path.

Understanding IP Addresses

IPv4 vs. IPv6

IPv4 is the fourth version of the Internet Protocol relying on a 32-dimensional address space which provides the internet 4 hills of opportunities. 3 billion unique addresses. IPv6 is the next generation or next version of the IP that offers gamers a virtually unlimited number of unique addresses with 128 bits.

What Enhanced Static and Dynamic IP Address Mean

Assigned addresses do not change and are autonomic; therefore, used in servers/Thus, it is Stationary. This type is given by the DHCP and are not constant and are used in homes among other places.


Subnetting involves dividing a network into smaller sub-networks (subnets) to improve performance and security. It helps in managing IP addresses more efficiently.

Wireless Networking Basics

Wi-Fi Standards

The kind of wireless standards that are in use at a given time for instance 802. 11ac, 802. 11n determines the speeds and range of wireless networks. Newer standards also give out faster speed along with better coverage range.

Setting up of wireless network

Setting up entails running an Ethernet cable from a wireless router, connecting it to a modem, and ensuring that the network is secure by creating a strong password with WPA or WEP encryption.

Securing a Wireless Network

Utilize WPA3, adjust the default settings of your router and update your firmware to reduce the vulnerability of your wireless connection.

Network Protocols and Standards

TCP/IP Protocol Suite

TCP/IP is the basic set of protocols used for Internet operation: layer that is used to exchange data, determine addresses and routes.


The transport method of web addresses use HTTP for transferring web pages. There is also HTTP Secure or HTTPS, which is the secure version of HTTP and the data is encrypted to ensure that it is safe as it moves.


FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, it is means of transmitting files between systems in a network. It will need a user’s username and password for authentication, but it will not have encryption features.


EMS (Electronic Mail Switch) is used for sending mails and SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). It can work with other protocols such as POP 3 or I map when it comes to receiving the emails.

DNS on Networking

How DNS Works

DNS (Domain Name System) provides the online address by converting the domain names understandable by humans such as www. example. com into the addresses that are understandable by the computers.

DNS Servers

The DNS servers are databases that contain records for domain name translations and assist the query translating process.

Some of the general DNS problems that people face include the following and their probable solutions:

There are some basic troubleshooting procedures that can be done if one faces specific problems such as DNS server does not respond; one can reset the router, change DNS servers, or clear DNS cache.

Network Security Fundamentals


Firewalls act as intermediate permeant security to prevent unauthorized access to a network while restricting the flow of traffic according to set security policies.

Antivirus Software

Anti-virus software is a program that identifies the presence of malicious software and then removes it from the computers to avoid getting infected by virus, worm or trojan.

Encryption Methods

Encryption alters the dynamics of the information within a given set of data to make it incomprehensible to anyone, apart from those who have a special permit to decode the information.

Troubleshooting Common Network Issues

Identifying Connectivity Problems

First of all include checking of physical connections, confirmation of the specific settings of devices in the network and finally confirmation of ISP operational status.

Network Diagnostics Tools

Ping and traceroute are examples of utilities to check if there are any actual problems with the connection and analyze the traffic.

Basic Troubleshooting Steps

Different glitches can be rectified by replugging equipment, updating drivers and firmware as well as looking for interference.

Looking at the factors described above it becomes quite clear that network maintenance is of utmost importance.

Regular Updates and Patching

Maintain updates on the network devices and the software it uses as a way of preventing vulnerability or ensuring that the software it uses is running optimally.

Monitoring Network Performance

Implement a limited scan to continuously observe the quantity and quality of traffic and activity on the networks to head off problems.

Backups and Data Recovery

Suggest an ergonomic strategy for data backup and prompt contingency measures that would be useful in case of loss of data resulting from the failure of the computer network or malicious attacks.

Future Trends in Networking

The Rise of 5G

These features are expected to increase the uplink and downlink rates to as much as 20G bps, reduce latency and provide more reliable connections regarding how devices can communicate and interconnect.

Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT brings every day objects into the smart internet age, including homes, cities and industries and so comes the question of the strength of networks.

Artificial Intelligence in Networking

Networks can be made to run most efficiently, with operational and administrative chores being effectively managed, and threats to the network as well as countermeasures being identified and implemented in real time by the powers of AI.


Computer networking basics are important to know prior to using a computer and continuing on with our lives. After obtaining this knowledge, one will be in a position to install, configure, and even fix his/her own personal network to promote a safe and effective system.

Frequently asked questions

It has been established that a computer network is made up of different components as mentioned above when defining the subject area.

The basic building blocks are NICs-, Switches-, routers and cables/ connectors.

How can I protect the wireless network in my home?

This can be as strong as WPA3, change or override default installations of routers and ensure that the firmware used is up to date.

What They are used for: The primary differences between LAN and WAN concern their capability and usage.

LAN is a computer network that is bounded by a limited geographical region say for example a building while WAN is geographically large and is composed of several LANs joined together over vast distances.

To answer the first question, ‘what does DNS stand for’ DNS stands for two things; Domain Name System and Domain Name Service.

DNS is an acronym for Domain Name System which is a tool that converts domain addresses into IP addresses.

What measures can one take in case of network connectivity problems?

Touch network cables, re-log into devices, update firmware and hardware on devices, and also use other built-in diagnostic tools.

Which are the future of computer networking?

The future trends are 5G, IoT and AI in networking.

Concept Definition Example
IP Address A unique string of numbers separated by periods that identifies each computer using the Internet Protocol to communicate over a network.
MAC Address A hardware identification number that uniquely identifies each device on a network. 00:1A:2B:3C:4D:5E
Router A device that forwards data packets between computer networks. Routers direct traffic on the Internet. Home routers, office routers
Switch A device in a computer network that connects devices together. It uses packet switching to forward data to its destination. Network switch used in an office
DNS (Domain Name System) The phonebook of the Internet that translates domain names to IP addresses so browsers can load Internet resources. Translating to
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) A network management protocol used to dynamically assign an IP address to each device on a network so they can communicate with other IP networks. Assigning IP addresses in a local network
Firewall A network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. Protecting a computer network from unauthorized access
VPN (Virtual Private Network) Extends a private network across a public network and enables users to send and receive data as if their devices were directly connected to the private network. Securely accessing a work network from home

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