
What is Test Automation – How is it done?

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What is Test Automation – How is it done?

 Important introduction

Automated testing is an essential aspect of the current software development where it is used as a means of improving the efficiency of the testing phase, increasing the quality and shortening the time taken to get the product to the market. 

So in this article let us look at defining test automation and look at how it is practiced, the advantages of test automation and so on.

What is Test Automation?

Test automation is the process by which specific software is used to drive the tests, and had a compare actual result with expected result. This can go a long way in making the testing phase in the development of software’s much quicker.

Importance of Test Automation

The concept of Agile integration and delivery can only be achieved when there is test automation to support this process.

Benefits of Test Automation

Increased Efficiency

The duration to execute test suites is way lesser than that of manual tests hence making automated tests to execute at a higher speed.

Cost Savings

Once it has been implemented the cost is considerably high, however in the long run it come allows for a lot of saving since it eliminated the need for a lot of testing to be done manually.

Improved Accuracy

Automated tests reduce the possibility of human mistakes, and that implies that tests will be performed as with the level of accuracy every time.

Enhanced Test Coverage

Automation means that more tests can be conducted due to the fact that certain tests which may take time to be conducted manually can easily be automated.

Elements of Test Automation

Test Automation Tools

Popular tools to automate testing are Selenium, QTP, Test Complete, etc.

Test Scripts

Automated test case scripts are developed in programming languages such as Java, Python, or Ruby as well as.

Test Data

Information employed in the test scripts while mimicking how the actual data would be input into the application.

Test Environment

A setup that is managed in a way to avoid external influences in tests to make sure that results given are accurate.

Types of Test Automation

Functional Testing

Trites that is focused on checking the functional aspect of the application.

Non-Functional Testing

Forms performance and security tests and evaluates the usability of a technical product.

Unit Testing

Focusing on the single component or a module of the software is conducted in the tests.

Integration Testing

Makes sure that one service or module invoke others in the way thought of by the application’s programmer.

System Testing

Ensures that the full system corresponds to the required stipulations.

Acceptance Testing

Ensures that the developed software satisfies the business needs and is fit for release. 

Test automation implementation Techniques

Planning and Strategy

Create a blueprint on how test automation is going to be done and outlined steps on how this can be achieved.

Selecting the Right Tools

Select the necessary tools considering the need of project and technology that is to be used.

Designing Test Cases

Develop test cases that can be easily automated by incorporating all relevant details that the test can be thorough.

Creating Test Scripts

Develop scripts to execute the test cases as per the selected tools and programming languages.

Setting Up Test Environment

Ensure that the test environment of the software is stable reliable for the running of the automated tests.

Executing Tests

Ensure that the automated tests are running in the proper manner as a way of affirming its functionality.

Analyzing Results

The check of test results could be done to find some troubles or failures.

Maintaining Test Scripts

Watch over the readiness and progression of the test scripts in order to update and maintain proper consistency with the application.

Test Automation and Its Best Practices

On Selecting the Right Tests to Automate

Maximize efforts targeting those test cases that are frequently executed, are time consuming, or are important for the application.

Keeping Tests Maintainable

Develop your test scripts clear, and easily modifiable/movable.

Regularly Updating Test Suites

Modify existing test cases and/or add new test cases that incorporate changes in the application or test requirements.

Incorporating Continuous Integration

To maintain the CI/CD pipeline, include automated tests to be run in the pipeline at a scheduled time.

Ensuring High Test Coverage

Try to achieve as much test coverage as possible to get through as many problems as possible.

Challenges in Test Automation

High Initial Costs

The first cost which includes the purchase of tool, training the employees and installation may be expensive.

Tool Selection

Selecting the most appropriate tool that will serve the purpose of the desired project is not easy.

Skilled Resource Requirement

In order to develop as well as sustain automated testers, one necessitates proficient personnel.

Maintenance Efforts

To further justify, in this context, their feasibility truly depends on the amount of work necessary to revise the test scripts with a regular frequency.

Future of Test Automation

Artificial intelligence and machine learning in Test automation.

AI and more specifically ML is expected to play a major role in the future of test automation to achieve more intelligent testing.

Autonomous Testing

Possible future test automation tools may not require the involvement of a human being to facilitate the process.

Continuous Testing in DevOps

This means that the practice of testing will be carried out continuously, thus, forming part of the DevOps process and contributing greatly to faster and more efficient releases.

Real Life Test Automation Scenarios

Case Study 1: The flow is a brief of an organization that adopted test automation and experienced enhancements.

Overview of the Organization

Suppose that there is a mid-size e-commerce firm, “ShopSmart,” which experiences a number of difficulties in addressing the increased variety of its software releases.

 A vast number of products being developed and an active users database, constant updates made over the years all added up to having a hard time ensuring the quality of the applications that this company was providing.

 Initially, ShopSmart never thought about conducting test automation; in fact, testing activities were only done manually. These methods not only consumed quite a lot of time but also the errors were ……human errors. 

The conventional approach of manual testing led to the following issues: Long development cycles, unidentified/ignored defects, and immense pressure on the QA personnel.

The test automation shift

Because of these difficulties, the management of ShopSmart made a decision to integrate test automation into the process. The organization bought a well-known test automation tool namely Selenium and began training the QA team on how to write automated tests.

 They automated their high-risk, high-frequency test cases initially and then moved to the rest of the test cases. 

The shift to test automation brought numerous benefits: automated tests proved more effective than the manual tests were, eradicating the regression tests’ days to hours; automation enabled increased test coverage including the edge test that require lots of time to be tested manually; and lastly, the automated tests executed precisely without bargaining or.jpeg errors.

The CI pipeline made sure that tests were always run, thus allowing the bugs to registered and resolved much quicker hence quick release cycles. In addition, ShopSmart was apparent numerous benefits with the aspects of enhanced software quality, increased rates of release, and better team performance.

Case Study 2: A Second Real Life Example Proving Effectiveness of Test Automation and Outcomes

Overview of the Organization

Let me proceed the analysis with TechSolutions as an example of a real specialized tech consultancy firm that takes on various clients to provide them with bespoke software-development solutions for their businesses from IT industries. 

TechSolutions was engaged in several projects at the same time with different problems and with an approaching deadline. The problems of the company involved the lack of efficient quality management of their projects because the level of difficulty of projects was different. 

Due to the limitations in exposure and time constraints, the use of manual testing was inadequate to meet the fruits of development, and hence clients reported bugs from time to time, which delayed the project.

The Shift to Test Automation

Acknowledging the fact that the currently used testing approach was insufficient, TechSolutions decided to implement test automation. They opted for TestComplete that has a friendly interface as well as compatibility with numerous applications and Technologies.

 TechSolutions first analyzed the current situation focusing on the aspects that would likely be most effective when automated. Most of them had to incorporate TestComplete with other development and CI/CD tools they were using for testing. In the aspect of testing, the QA team created automated test scripts for front- end and back-end for the main functions of the application.

The adoption of test automation had a profound impact: standardized testing allowed future projects to conform to the higher quality of automated tests; the QA team was able to test more projects at once because automated tests required less manual attention; and testing was more efficient in identifying and addressing issues leading to both client satisfaction and less complaint or bug reports.

 Beyond that, the incorporation of the test automation helped TechSolutions to improve the quality and credibility of delivered software as well as the company image of the trustworthy software consultancy firm.

FAQs about Test Automation

What is test automation?

Automated testing is the running of tests in an application by software without the physical intervention of the developers, which are usually designed and run on applications before releasing them to the market.

How does test automation reduce the amount of time required?

Test automation also helps to speed up the rate of development through the performance of tests quicker and more often than the manual tests.

What are the best practices that one must follow while automating the testing process?

Some of the recognized tools are webdriver and selenium, Quick test professional or QTP, Test complete.

On what basis do you select which tests should be automated?

To schedule some tests more often, I would focus on those tests which are recurrent, vital and which may be time-consuming.

What issues are often present in test automation?

Pros include a first-time, effective tools, skilled resources, and maintenance issues as cons.


Test automation is an effective strategy for introducing greater comprehensiveness, effectiveness, and precision into the process of software testing. Thus, knowing the components of SDLC, implementation strategies, and essential practices, organizations can obtain vast enhancements to the SW development cycle.

Aspect Description
Definition Test automation refers to using specialized software to control the execution of tests and compare actual outcomes with predicted outcomes.
  • Increases test coverage
  • Improves accuracy
  • Reduces human error
  • Saves time and effort in repetitive tasks
  • Unit Testing
  • Integration Testing
  • Functional Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • Performance Testing
Tools Common tools include Selenium, JUnit, TestNG, and Appium.
  1. Define scope of automation
  2. Select appropriate tools
  3. Plan, design, and develop test scripts
  4. Execute tests
  5. Analyze results and generate reports
Best Practices
  • Maintain a clear and concise codebase
  • Regularly update and maintain test scripts
  • Ensure robust test data management
  • Integrate with CI/CD pipelines
  • Initial setup cost and time
  • Requires skilled resources
  • Maintenance of test scripts
  • Managing dynamic and complex applications

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